Pupils love coming to school. They are happy and safe in this nurturing environment.

Role of the Governing Board & Terms of Reference

At Stannington First School we have a team of Governors that work as volunteers to support the school.   Their role is to support and challenge the Head Teacher and to help set the vision and strategic direction of the school ensuring that our school is the very best it can be.  Each Governorhas specific responsibilities which are also linked to the School Improvement Plan. Their duties include:

  • Ensuring that the school meets its legal responsibilities
  • Setting the school budget
  • Making decisions about the school building and premises
  • Reviewing school policies
  • Appointing staff and making decisions about current staffing structures
  • Looking at how well groups of pupils are performing and ensuring action is taken if there are any concerns

We have three Full Governing Board meetings each year held in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.  A range of subcommittee meetings also take place at least once per term.  During these meetings we look at a wide range of information to find out how well the school is performing.  Mrs Palmer provides a detailed Head Teacher’s report at these meetings but Governors also look at data and independent reports so that we can make our own decisions about how well things are going. To support the work that goes on, Governors also try to visit school as often as possible.

We are proud to have a committed Governing Board that is made up of a team individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.


Strategic:  The Governing Board sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop and improve.  This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, setting targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives. Strategic thinking is not always linked with the curriculum and it does not mean just responding to weakness.


Critical Friend:  The Governing Board works with the Head Teacher and creates a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing the school. The Governing Board is able to question and challenge. A good working relationship is essential as a real critical friendship is only achieved where there is trust and mutual respect.


Accountability:  School is a business and its stakeholders are the learners. The Governing Board has a professional attitude and uses its collective skills to benefit the learners. It gathers views, ask questions and decides what is best for the school and the children. The Governing Board is answerable to the parents and the wider community.


Copies of Full Governing Board Minutes are held in the main school office.

If you wish to contact the school governors, you can e-mail them at:

admin@stannington.northumberland.sch.uk and mark your message 'For the attention of Keith Taylor' or alternatively, you can contact Keith directly at:
