Pupils love coming to school. They are happy and safe in this nurturing environment.

Use of Images

As part of normal school life, we take photographs of children taking part in their lessons and during different activities and events. The children may also take photographs of each other.



Occasionally, we may invite the local paper in to school to take photographs of children who may be involved in various activities or simply participating in school work. We also put various photographs of children and their work on the website, in other publications and on display. If names of children are required, then only first names are used.


It is always very positive for children when they see themselves in the newspapers or in displays and it is also good publicity for the school.


All parents receive a photograph permission letter, annually, via the parent app and may withdraw consent if they wish to. For children appearing in photographs on this school website, parental permission has been granted. Parental consent is requested every academic year. However, parents can withdraw consent at any time.

If you have any further concerns, please feel free to contact the school office or headteacher directly.


If you have given consent for the use of images and wish to withdraw this consent, please contact Mrs Harker in the school office.



Photographs and Social Media

We understand that parents/carers like to take photographs of their own children at special events. On these occasions, we remind parents/carers that these photographs are for personal use only and not to be shared on social media. This request is reiterated in our home/school agreement and social networking policies. These policies are available in the policy section of this website.