Pupils love coming to school. They are happy and safe in this nurturing environment.

Introduction to our Parent Forum

Our Parent Forum meets once a term and is open to all parents and carers. The date of the next meeting is advertised on the school newsletter and can also be found on the calendar as soon as it has been confirmed. We aim to give as much notice as possible.

Aims and Objectives

1. The Parent Forum aims to provide an opportunity for parents and carers to meet with each other and with representatives of the Governing Body and headteacher  to share ideas about the education of their children and to support the school.

2. The Governing Body and staff of the school aim to consult, liaise with and be open and responsive to the Parent Forum.

3. The objective of the Parent Forum is to give voice to the views of parents and carers on matters of importance to the school as a whole, but is not a channel for individual complaints and issues. Matters involving individual children, families or members of staff will not be discussed.

How the Parent Forum works

1. The Parent Forum is a consultative and advisory forum facilitated by the headteacher and Governing Body.

2. The Parent Forum welcomes contributions from all parents, carers, governors and staff of the school.

3. Meetings are held three times a year.

4. Meeting dates are agreed and published in advance.

7. Meetings are chaired by a Governor or the headteacher.

8. Notes of the Parent Forum meetings, including any action points agreed are distributed to all families via the newsletter and website.

9. It is the responsibility of the headteacher  to communicate with the Governing Body and to report on the matters raised and actions agreed at each meeting of the Parent Forum.

10. The headteacher and governor representative will bring an update of that report, and any subsequent actions, to the next Parent Forum. This response is also reported in the school newsletter and on the school website.